An intentionally designed advisory structure builds community, provides students with a safe environment, and forms the basis of a primary person model wherein all students have a trusted adult invested in their success.

We’ve released a collection of case studies, featuring five forward-thinking high schools that recognize the importance of advisory as a vehicle for relationship building and academic success. They all have a unique approach to advisory that is appropriate to its context and student population. At the same time, they all share some common goals and core elements, including a commitment to protect the time set aside for advisory, an intentional approach to iteration, and more.

A key stakeholder from each school—a student, teacher, leader, or support staff—wrote about their school’s approach to advisory in an effort to support others in the field who are designing schools or reexamining advisory programs.

The schools featured are:
- Urban Assembly Maker Academy (New York, New York)
- Casco Bay High School (Casco Bay, Maine)
- The Young Women’s Leadership School of Astoria (Queens, New York)
- Jefferson County Open School (Lakewood, Colorado)
- South Bronx Community Charter High School (Bronx, New York)